Wednesday, September 3, 2008

My Trip to Oregon

For the Labor Day weekend, Scot and I flew to Oregon. While Scot and the boys put my parent's porch back together, I played with my mom and sister. We had an awesome day of shopping on Saturday! In Motherhood, Megan made me (no exageration) put on the weird velcro belly. It took her awhile to get it on right--just look at the pictures.

On Monday, while the boys went golfing, the girls went on a driving excursion. Too bad some of the stores were closed for the holiday.

The trip was way too short, but I loved every minute of it! Love ya, fam!!


The Bowen's said...

I should kill you for posting all those pictures! It looks good tho, better than when I'm in charge of updating my page! Love you!

Evie Wonder said...
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Evie Wonder said...

Just be glad that I didn't put the pregnancy ticker that I was going to. I tried to refrain from being myself as you...

darcijw1 said...

That is the FUNNIEST thing I have ever seen!!! You are NOT going to look like that, as you will be having a human and not an alien....Too funny! I'm SO glad I got to see those pictures! :-)

Brittnee said...

Oh my gosh you werent kidding how hilarious those pics were. I love them. I pray that you dont look like that. Its kinda scary:)